Our Favorite Places

Aberdeen - Saskatchewan
Comments: Sharptail grouse (prairie chickens) south of Aberdeen and Alvena. In winter they gather near the highway for the road salt. Sharp-tailed grouse fly between roosting and feeding areas, which can be several miles apart. So if you spot them out of season on a roadway or scavenging for food in the fields as you pass, you are in prairie chicken territory.
Recomended by: galen@sonntag.ca
Chamberlain to Aylesbury - Saskatchewan
Comments: I was driving between Saskatoon and Regina, returning from business meetings. North of Chamberlain two prairie chicken flew across the road. I pulled over to watch them land. As it was early October, I had an assortment of hunting gear in the back of my truck, naturally. After marking the spot where they landed, I hopped out, changed my dress shoes for hunting boots, put 6 shells in my dress pants, grabbed my 12 gauge and headed across the highway. Unloaded gun of course. I got down wind of the birds, approached the spot where they had landed, they jumped, bang, bang, bang, two dead birds on the ground. Walked across the highway, hunting boots, suit, shot gun, two prairie chicken. I remember the story everytime I pass the same spot.
Northwest of Swift Current in the sand hills. - Saskatchewan
Comments: There's lots of scrub brush and scattered trees. It's not uncommon to find a flock of 25 or more birds at a time. Bring a dog because there is a lot of space to cover, but bring a pliers to remove cactus & porcupine quills (from experience).
Recomended by: sundog@sk.sympatico.ca
South West of Regina - Saskatchewan
Comments: In the hills about 75 km sw of Regina is a good population of birds with flocks of 5 to 10 scattered through the hills. Be prepared to walk up and around some tough terrain.
Recomended by: sundog@sk.sympatico.ca

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Our Favorite Places to Fish

Rainbow Trout | Brown Trout | Lake Trout | Walleye (Pickerel) | Northern Pike | Perch | Largemouth Bass | Smallmouth Bass | Goldeye

Alberta's Fish Stocking Programs (requires Adobe Acrobat) 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008

Saskatchewan's Fish Stocking Programs 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008

Manitoba Fish Stocking Reports 2005 | 2006 | 2007

Our Favorite Places for Bird Hunting

Sharptail Grouse | Hungarian Partridge | Pheasant | Ducks | Goose

Our Favorite Places for Big Game Hunting

Whitetail Deer | Mule Deer | Elk | Moose | Wild Boar | Antelope | Bear

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