Our Favorite Places

Pincher Creek - Saskatchewan
Comments: Fly fishing the Crowsnest River. Good windy stream with lots of depth and flow variability. found some very good places where hopper fishing in the summer will be excellent. We drifted nymphs and caught some nice rainbow trout. Have also heard there are browns and brook trout, but didnt see any.
Craven - Saskatchewan
Comments: Where can I purchase Rainbow trout for my dugout?
Nordegg - Alberta
Comments: If you wanna be close to the Mountains, enjoy pulling in plenty of fish, and bring the kids out for their first time, then Harlech Fish Pond is the place to go. It's stocked annually, with fresh and jumpy rainbows, and bow do they ever bite in late May/early June. It's best for taking the kids out and giving them their first catch, and showing them the extreme fun in fishing.
Recomended by: Mike-r23@hotmail.com
The Bow River - Alberta
Comments: I had read about the Bow and the great fishing many times, but until this fall, I had never had the chance. I was in Calgary for business and figured I'd bring my rods and tackle, hoping to get a chance on what many call North America's best trout river. I spent the last afternoon of my trip south west of Calgary, about 20 km's. Everything I have read is true. Great fishing, lots of fish and lots of water. The only problem I found was finding a place that wasn't already occupied. I had equal success with fly fishing, bait casting with power bait, and casting spinners. If I'm ever back in Calgary, for business, I'll pack my rod again.
Silver Spring Trout Ranch - Saskatchewan
Comments: A very scenic pond. Once caught 8, 2-4 pounders floating a grasshopper and another time caught a 3 pounder with a worm. Huge fish up to 8 pounds can be seen, biggest caught was just over 7lbs.
Recomended by: snoogan13@hotmail.com
Silver Spring Trout Ranch - Saskatchewan
Comments: Just north of Regina off highway 11. A short drive from the city. Includes a catch & keep rainbow pond and a catch & release perch pond. A great place to take the kids for an afternoon.
Saskatoon Trout Ponds - Saskatchewan
Comments: There is a trout pond at the Saskatoon Zoo, open to the public. Great place to take the kids or a good spot for a few hours during the day. Plenty of smaller trout and we have heard of some 4 to 6 pounders. Best luck we've had has been fly-fishing with any bright coloured fly. Take Forest Road north and follow the trout pond signs. Saskatoon Wildlife Federation has started a new pond stocked with trout. Both ponds require barbless hooks. S'toon trout pond, last year i pulled out a 7 1/2 pounder. The park attendant was an eyewitness even
Recomended by:
Lake Diefebaker - Saskatchewan
Comments: Half a million rainbow trout escaped from the trout farm near Riverhurst. Need I say more?
Recomended by: sundog@sk.sympatico.ca
Reesor Lake - Cypress Hills Park - Alberta
Comments: A great little deep water lake for rainbows. I haven't found many large fish but it's still great fun. Good bait casting off the dock on the north side and even better fly fishing from a belly boat along the south shore.
Recomended by: sundog@sk.sympatico.ca
Michele Reservoir - Alberta
Comments: You can find this lake south of Medicine Hat, along the edges of Elkwater park. It's small enough to park and walk around within a half an hour. Minnows and power bait work well off a suspended rig and fly-fishing works well from shore or by belly boat.
Recomended by: sundog@sk.sympatico.ca
Lake Tokyryk - Manitoba
Comments: This lake is stocked with rainbow and brown trout and is great if you have a row boat, canoe, or belly boat. There's almost no place to fish from shore except for the boat launch area which is only about 25 feet wide. The lake is in between Russel and Clear Lake. Take PR 566 to Rossmore Rd. then west to the old church.
Blood Indian Reservoir - Alberta
Comments: A great little lake north east of Brooks, AB. The edge drops off quickly and good weed beds can be found around much of the reservoir. Easy access to the shore from almost anywhere. The rainbows are often caught in the 2 to 3 pound range and I've heard many reports of 8 to 10 pounders. Try the shallow bays in the spring when the weeds are still small then near the boat launch later in the year. When they are active, they can be caught with various methods, a pickerel rig and minnows or power bait work well from shore. If you're fly-fishing, try a brown wooly bugger. The lake is also small enough to belly boat from side to side.
Piprell Lake - Saskatchewan
Comments: In Narrow Hills Provincial Park- Big rainbows there.
Chain Lake - Alberta
Comments: Located 70km north-west of Athabasca. A stocked fishery with beautiful, deep Rainbows up to 5lbs. Easy access with a lakeshore Recreation Area, good camping and free firewood. Most anglers fish from shore with baited hooks on a jig. Trolling is popular also, although with electric motors only. Excellent fly fishing spot also!
Flin Flon - Alberta
Comments: Nistum Lake is about a 20 minute drive from Beaver Lake, Saskatchewan. About another 20 minute walk or a quick quad ride through the bush and your there. It's a relatively small lake but produces huge rainbows consistently. Average sizes range from 5 to 15 lbs. 15 pounders are not uncommon. Fishing pressure is relatively low due to the location and the fact that the area is haunted, plus there's also a family of big foot terrorizing the area. I've heard tell that the screams of the dead will scare the crap out of the most fishermen. Don't go-Don't go!!!!!
Reesor Lake - -----
Comments: Last night the Trout farm near by closed down and let all their fish go.
Pine River - Manitoba
Comments: Just to let you know Pine River, Manitoba is the Rainbow Trout Capital of Manitoba! It is east of the Duck Mountains and about an hour north of Dauphin, Manitoba!
Pine River - Manitoba
Comments: Just to let you know Pine River, Manitoba is the Rainbow Trout Capital of Manitoba! It is east of the Duck Mountains and about an hour north of Dauphin, Manitoba!
The Bow River - Saskatchewan
Comments: I had read about the Bow and the great fishing many times, but until this fall, I had never had the chance. I was in Calgary for business and figured I'd bring my rods and tackle, hoping to get a chance on what many call North America's best trout river. I spent the last afternoon of my trip south west of Calgary, about 20 km's. Everything I have read is true. Great fishing, lots of fish and lots of water. The only problem I found was finding a place that wasn't already occupied. I had equal success with fly fishing, bait casting with power bait, and casting spinners. If I'm ever back in Calgary, for business, I'll pack my rod again.
Silver Spring Trout Ranch - Saskatchewan
Comments: Just north of Regina off highway 11. A short drive from the city. Includes a catch & keep rainbow pond and a catch & release perch pond. A great place to take the kids for an afternoon. A very scenic pond. Once caught 8, 2-4 pounders floating a grasshopper and another time caught a 3 pounder with a worm. Huge fish up to 8 pounds can be seen, biggest caught was just over 7lbs.
Recomended by: snoogan13@hotmail.com
Saskatoon Trout Ponds - Saskatchewan
Comments: There is a trout pond at the Saskatoon Zoo, open to the public. Great place to take the kids or a good spot for a few hours during the day. Plenty of smaller trout and we have heard of some 4 to 6 pounders. Best luck we've had has been fly-fishing with any bright coloured fly. Take Forest Road north and follow the trout pond signs. Saskatoon Wildlife Federation has started a new pond stocked with trout. Both ponds require barbless hooks. S'toon trout pond, last year i pulled out a 7 1/2 pounder. The park attendant was an eyewitness even
Lake Diefebaker - Saskatchewan
Comments: Half a million rainbow trout escaped from the trout farm near Riverhurst. Need I say more?
Recomended by: sundog@sk.sympatico.ca
Reesor Lake - Cypress Hills Park - Alberta
Comments: A great little deep water lake for rainbows. I haven't found many large fish but it's still great fun. Good bait casting off the dock on the north side and even better fly fishing from a belly boat along the south shore.
Recomended by: sundog@sk.sympatico.ca
Michele Reservoir - Alberta
Comments: You can find this lake south of Medicine Hat, along the edges of Elkwater park. It's small enough to park and walk around within a half an hour. Minnows and power bait work well off a suspended rig and fly-fishing works well from shore or by belly boat.
Recomended by: sundog@sk.sympatico.ca
Lake Tokyryk - Manitoba
Comments: This lake is stocked with rainbow and brown trout and is great if you have a row boat, canoe, or belly boat. There's almost no place to fish from shore except for the boat launch area which is only about 25 feet wide. The lake is in between Russel and Clear Lake. Take PR 566 to Rossmore Rd. then west to the old church.
Blood Indian Reservoir - Alberta
Comments: A great little lake north east of Brooks, AB. The edge drops off quickly and good weed beds can be found around much of the reservoir. Easy access to the shore from almost anywhere. The rainbows are often caught in the 2 to 3 pound range and I've heard many reports of 8 to 10 pounders. Try the shallow bays in the spring when the weeds are still small then near the boat launch later in the year. When they are active, they can be caught with various methods, a pickerel rig and minnows or power bait work well from shore. If you're fly-fishing, try a brown wooly bugger. The lake is also small enough to belly boat from side to side.
Recomended by: sundog@sk.sympatico.ca
Piprell Lake - Saskatchewan
Comments: In Narrow Hills Provincial Park- Big rainbows there.
Chain Lake - Alberta
Comments: Located 70km north-west of Athabasca. A stocked fishery with beautiful, deep Rainbows up to 5lbs. Easy access with a lakeshore Recreation Area, good camping and free firewood. Most anglers fish from shore with baited hooks on a jig. Trolling is popular also, although with electric motors only. Excellent fly fishing spot also!
Flin Flon - Manitoba
Comments: Nistum Lake is about a 20 minute drive from Beaver Lake, Saskatchewan. About another 20 minute walk or a quick quad ride through the bush and your there. It's a relatively small lake but produces huge rainbows consistently. Average sizes range from 5 to 15 lbs. 15 pounders are not uncommon. Fishing pressure is relatively low due to the location and the fact that the area is haunted, plus there's also a family of big foot terrorizing the area. I've heard tell that the screams of the dead will scare the crap out of the most fishermen. Don't go-Don't go!!!!!
Reesor Lake - Alberta
Comments: Last night the Trout farm near by closed down and let all their fish go.
Nordegg - Alberta
Comments: If you wanna be close to the Mountains, enjoy pulling in plenty of fish, and bring the kids out for their first time, then Harlech Fish Pond is the place to go. It's stocked annually, with fresh and jumpy rainbows, and bow do they ever bite in late May/early June. It's best for taking the kids out and giving them their first catch, and showing them the extreme fun in fishing.
Recomended by: Mike-r23@hotmail.com

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Our Favorite Places to Fish

Rainbow Trout | Brown Trout | Lake Trout | Walleye (Pickerel) | Northern Pike | Perch | Largemouth Bass | Smallmouth Bass | Goldeye

Alberta's Fish Stocking Programs (requires Adobe Acrobat) 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008

Saskatchewan's Fish Stocking Programs 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008

Manitoba Fish Stocking Reports 2005 | 2006 | 2007

Our Favorite Places for Bird Hunting

Sharptail Grouse | Hungarian Partridge | Pheasant | Ducks | Goose

Our Favorite Places for Big Game Hunting

Whitetail Deer | Mule Deer | Elk | Moose | Wild Boar | Antelope | Bear

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