Our Favorite Places------------ Location: Duck Lake - SaskatchewanComments: During the spring snow goose migration, snow geese seem to gather in the fields around duck lake and Rosthern. |
------------ Location: Yellow Grass - SaskatchewanComments: In the area between Wilcox and Yellow Grass, the snow geese seem to pause during their spring migration in this area. You will find 100,000+ geese at a time. |
------------ Location: Warman - SaskatchewanComments: On the west side of the river, in the late fall, the Canada Geese will use the river as their water roost and fly up to feed in the nearby fields. |
------------ Location: Lavoy - AlbertaComments: Canada Geese |
------------ Location: Langham - SaskatchewanComments: Snow geese can often be found W of Langham in the thousands. |
------------ Location: Edmonton - AlbertaComments: East of Edmonton there are a good number of large bodies of water that make for good roosting water in the fall migration for Canada geese and ducks. |
------------ Location: Roleau - SaskatchewanComments: This land is flat flat flat. It is the site of of the fictional town Dog River in the TV show Corner Gas. Stay low as there is very little cover and your silhouette will be sure to spook low flying birds. If possible use some long grass to hide your blinds in. |
------------ Location: Taber - AlbertaComments: The fields south of Taber are great for early season Canada goose shoots. Get up early! They start flying by 5:30 am. |
------------ Location: it is in ontairo - ManitobaComments: the location is gore bay Ontairo on Manitoulin Island. look for the just cut feilds!!! |
------------ Location: it is in ontairo - -----Comments: the location is gore bay Ontairo on Manitoulin Island. look for the just cut feilds!!! |
------------ Location: Bradwell - SaskatchewanComments: Late October afternoons are great for snows in the fields |
------------ Location: Saskatoon - SaskatchewanComments: Just got back from a morning field shoot with my golden retriever Bones. We knocked down six big Canada's but we only came home with 4. The four were adult birds and the largest weighing in at 10.5 pounds a good weight for this time of the year. I had four dozen shell decoys out and was using SuperMagnum decoy to hide in. I had some big Canada's land only 20 yards from me so it was a great morning. I called that flock right in and then missed with my first shot. I am once again not happy with the steel shot but I will have to get used to it. I knocked two more big birds down only to have them get up and fly away when the dog approached them the geese are not even well feathered yet. I am shooting the remington 3" shells loaded with BB, I thought that it would have the knock down power I guess I was wrong with those two geese the other three were stone dead. I had to ring one neck. I would like to hear from other people from Saskatchewan that have been out. I know that it is early but any info would be appreciated. Recomended by: |
------------ Location: Bruce Lake - AlbertaComments: If you are up north of Calgary Alberta this is the place to be you can get out on a point and ducks will be flying from every where. It was the best shoot of my life me and my dad each got 2 Canada geese and 8 pintails. A lot of work but it made a lot of good meals. But if you go there make sure it's not windy for some reason the ducks won't fly there in a wind some geese but no ducks. |
------------ Location: Anywhere - SaskatchewanComments: In early September, and through to freeze over, when the geese start to travel south, you can find them in almost any field within 10-15 kms of any sizeable body of water. For the real hot spots, find a major flight path, such as the Swift Current to Kindersley corridor. North & south of Regina is also very promising. Recomended by: sundog@sk.sympatico.ca |
------------ Location: Colonsay - SaskatchewanComments: At any given time, you can see up to 10 separate flocks, each with 50 to 200 birds. |
------------ Location: Davidson - SaskatchewanComments: The big Snows really seem to gather up around Davidson in mid-October. |
------------ Location: Lanigan - SaskatchewanComments: East of town you'll find flocks of hundreds of Canada's and Snow Geese. Many Mallards around as well. |
------------ Location: Youngstown - AlbertaComments: Get up early in the morning and lie low behind some well set up bales in the fields. Make sure you have a few decoys set up as well. They will land in an occupied field more readily than an empty field. You only need about 6 decoy to convince them to land. |
------------ Location: Wynyard - SaskatchewanComments: There's lots of natural blinds and bush surrounding the many ponds and small lakes and sloughs. Bring plenty of ammo. Make sure you know your bag limits! You'll fill 'em. |
------------ Location: Westburne - SaskatchewanComments: Lots of Snow Geese and Canada Geese this morning (Oct 12, 2002). |
------------ Location: Winnipeg - ManitobaComments: Just South of Winnipeg, in the many grain fields, the Canada's come to feed. Daytime and at night they like the many small ponds and man-made lakes in the city then cruise a few miles out to the fields in the morning and evening to feed. |
------------ Location: Saskatoon - SaskatchewanComments: The South Sask and North Sask rivers usually have enough current in late fall to keep them clear of ice through November. This keeps some of the geese around for a late season shoot. This year, 2002, I have seen flock of 10 (many) to 200 (few) all the way up to Dec 1. They don't range far, no more than a couple of kms from open water. |
------------ Location: Bassano - AlbertaComments: For late season Canada Goose, try the area around Bassano, Alberta. The water stays open around the Bosano Dam and several flocks stick around until late December if the the snow cover is light enough so that the geese can still find food. |
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