is pleased to list our resources on Whitetail Deer hunting including the
best places in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba to hunt and our listing of Whitetail Deer hunting outfitters.
Go to Whitetail Deer Hunting Pictures Go to Whitetail Deer Hunting Vidoes Go to Whitetail Deer Hunting Outfitters
The recommendations are based on our own experiences,
suggestions from friends and relatives and from visitors to our web site
offering their own recommendations. Please respect
landowner rights and request permission prior to goose hunting on
private property. This information is intended for the recreational
hunter to aid them in finding a great adventure in our great
Canadian prairie outdoors.
Our Favorite Places for Whitetail Deer Hunting
Location: Aberdeen
Comments: South East of Aberdeen along the river towards Saskatoon is a great place for whitetail deer. Much of the land is pasture land so you do have to be careful of the cows but there is a strong population of whitetails. Find their paths from the river up the banks to the feeding and resting areas.————
Location: sylvan
Comments: it trys 2 get away then shoot it in the leg————
Location: HIghway 55
Comments: Between Cowan Lake and Delaronde Lake, the forest area is a very good tree stand hunting region. Highway 55 runs between the two lakes and there are many forest trails off the road to use in hunting season.————
Location: Yorkton
Comments: I went hunting just out of Yorkton, Saskatchewan, and I was there for a week. I couldn’t believe how many deer I have spotted, unfortunately I missed a chance at a great white tale deer, truly trophy size.(7 by 6)
But my hopes weren’t up and I still harvested a nice 5 by 5. Truly a great experience!
Location: Russel
Comments: There are two river valleys nearby, the Assiniboia River and the Birdtail Creek. Lots of good sized deer. Seen a few trophy sized bucks around lately.————
Location: Winnipeg
Comments: Just South of Winnipeg, in the many grain fields, the deer come to feed. Look for them at dusk and dawn as they move between resting and feeding places. ————
Location: Lumsden / Qu’Appelle Valley
Comments: The Qu’Appelle Valley is an excellent location for hunting. It’s easy to access with many roads running through it and to it. Just west of Lumsden, about 10-12 kms is an area in the valley of open fields and just the right amount of brush. Enough cover and protection to keep deer around, without too many trees to block your sight lines. There’s a creek that runs through the valley, so expect to find a variety of birds while you’re there as well, like grouse, a few partridge, and some pheasant. On a recent bird hunting expedition, I was walking along the north side of the creek and spotted a very nice white-tail buck. Good tall and wide rack, a thick body, and staring stupid -like at me from the opposite bank, less than 100 yards away. Maybe he’ll be there when I return for deer season with my rifle. ————
If you would like to suggest a whitetail deer hunting location, please
use our recommendation form.
You can also tell us your whitetail hunting story and submit whitetail hunting pictures
to be posted on line in our
Whitetail Deer Hunting Pictures and Stories from The Campfire
2022-11-13I shot this deer 11/12/22 with my new bow “Mission Hammr by Matthew’sâ€. I shot it at 30 yards. It’s not my first buck but by far my biggest and my first buck with a bow. It’s gross antler score was 155 6/8.Woodford county IL2022-03-272 bucks fighting after loosing antlers with big buck watchingSouth texas
2022-03-272 bucks fighting after loosing antlers with big buck watchingSouth texas
2021-11-13The waiting game of any deer hunterVirginia
2021-10-08My Grandson took this of himself! He is 16 and is an avid hunter! I taught him to love the sport and mainly the outdoors! Lewiston m, Maine
2021-10-08My Grandson took this of himself! He is 16 and is an avid hunter! I taught him to love the sport and mainly the outdoors! Lewiston m, Maine
2018-10-15White Tail Buck, small 3×3 but this buck not only provided meat for us but provided my boys with valuable and important life lessons.Teepee Creek Alberta
2016-10-07Great hunt for mallard ducks and big Canada Geese with Prairie Rose Outfitters. They sure know how to put us on the birds.SK
2016-05-03better than a desk and a computerQuill Lakes, SK
2016-05-01My first hunting trip mommy got a deer hat trick
My mommy is an amazing shot Thunder Bay Ontario Canada 2016-01-06Deer hunt with Pierceland Outfitters
2016-01-06Deer hunt with Pierceland Outfitters
2015-11-28WMU 517
2013-12-18this is on my land that I hunt for deer birds and duck,hunt county/ Texas
2013-10-05Wawanesa, MB
2012-11-0212 Lesser and 13 Greater Canada Geese this morning. If we had a little wind, or if the other 3 guys could shoot better (ha ha) we would have shot our limit.Saskatoon, SK
2012-06-02its the biggest ever but it put meat in the freezer pelly sk
2012-04-03What would happen if the dog was let loose? This young buck better be careful or he will be dinner this fall.
Location: Biggar, SaskatchewanLocation: Biggar, Saskatchewan2012-04-03How many wild deer do you see this curious?Biggar, Saskatchewan
2012-03-24Randy is usually really picky but he dropped this one no problem.Alberta
2012-03-242010 Alberta buck. Was -33 the day before and “warmed up” to -25 and the bucks were going crazy. Rattled and he would have run me over if I didn’t shoot him. Parter, Randy got a decent one as well.Alberta
2012-03-242010 Alberta buck. Was -33 the day before and “warmed up” to -25 and the bucks were going crazy. Rattled and he would have run me over if I didn’t shoot him. Parter, Randy got a decent one as well.Alberta
2012-03-24-30 Celcius – FREEKING COLD! Long stalk and snap shot at close range without sighting as he bolted.Alberta
2012-02-16nashwalk, mn
2011-12-26eleven pointer buck weight approx. 230lb or more 17 in wide racklookout mountain
2011-12-26eleven pointer,rack 17 inches,weight app.230 lbslookout mountain
2011-12-12I shoot this guy in my back yard before i was going to work,he was standing about 150 yards in my pasture with my horseswhitebeech,Saskatchewan
2011-11-2910 pt. WhitetailFloyd County, Tx
2011-10-25Taking my 5-year old daughter on her first deer huntWainwright, Alberta
2011-10-08Came across this guy while out whitetail hunting.Near Caroline Alberta
2011-09-01anola m.b
2011-08-19Michigan youth hunting regulation change allows youth under 12 years old to hunt with adult this season. 8 year old sun is using the sun to create camoflauge pattern on his skin.Alpena, Michigan
2011-08-0410 point buck got last day of season in the last hour anola
2011-05-19i am a hugh archery hunter and i usually am able to kill my buck with an arrow but this year i had so many friends i introduced into the outdoors i didnt have time to do any archery hunt of my own. I took a different friend out archery hunting every weekend which left me as the guide and back up shooting in which i never had a shot. finally rifle season came in and i kept putting my father in my spots to give him the best chance… well one thursday i snuck out and was able to kill this beautiful 8 pt with my brandnew slug gun. i shot him at 45 yards with a perfect shot and he didnt go 10 ydsPittsburgh PA
2011-04-1the big oneWV
2011-03-31my first big whitetail buckWV
2011-03-08Hamilton ontario canada
2010-11-29Here is a pic of my 12 year old sons 1st whitetail. He shot it on Nov 27/10 with a slug from a 20 gauge at 60yds. Saskatoon
2010-11-26190 7/8 whitetail near rockey mountian house A.BRockey Mountian House 332
2010-11-15Manitoba, Canada
2010-11-11White tail deer shot near CFB Shilo, Manitoba
November 8, 2010 first day of the deer rifle season
Very nice weather
Shot by Mathieu “Dezzy” Ouellet
Picture taken by Christian CaronNear CFB Shilo, Manitoba2010-11-03These 3 Triplets are really well known around here… I thought to share my photo that I got on my outdoor camera with everyone 🙂Quebec
2010-10-15cartwright , manitoba
2010-10-14This is my son about 2 years ago. He is just like his Daddy, loves to hunt but he just can not stay awake when no deer are out sometimes!Orwell, VT
2010-09-19My front room
2010-09-192006 hunt
2010-09-14this is the deer that i shot it is a 10 pointft.deposit al
2010-09-14 This is my 10 point buck my third deer.ft.deposit al
2010-09-14 This is my 10 point buck my third deer.ft.deposit al
2010-09-10Abita Springs, Louisiana
2010-09-07Im eleven years old.
I just got home from church one day and my neighbor looked out in the bean field beside my house and sees a deer and it couldnt move or nothn because it was locked up with a nother buck but the other buck was already dead and it couldnt run away because it had an eight inch drop dine on it so i got bout 20 yds and shot it!!!! Kentucky2010-09-03
2010-08-24Very Odd, Check out the color of this guy!
2010-08-23I got this buck in the 2009 Deer season,gross-185McLean
2010-08-23WE got these two big guys in the 2006 deer season,the top buck was stolen from my farm before i could get it mounted.McLean,SK
2010-08-23WE got this Buck in 2008, he is a 4x5and very thick,great Buck.McLean,SK
2010-06-23It was my first time hunting Whitetails in Saskatchewan, it was cold, and the days were very long sitting in the ground blind. I loved every second of the hunt.Chitek Lake, Saskatchewan
2010-01-23Southwest, Ohio
2009-10-22Genoa, Arkansas
2009-10-02Eastern Saskatchewan
Title: the unkillable deer
Story/Joke: Well I hunt about a 1000 acre lease and I was hunting a part of the lease that no one else really hunts. So me and my Dad went and got the fourwheller unloaded and he droped me off near my stand and his stand was only about 150 yards through the woods. As i got in my stand and started puting on my face mask and open my drink and big 7 pointer walks out infront of my stand only after being in the stand for 3 minutes. I laugh to myself because I didnt really want to hunt this stand so I got ready and picked up my 30/6 and got a good rest. Just as I shot I made a very bi mistake I picked my head up to look and just as I did I see him fall and I just thought to myself there’s my wallhanger right there and just then he started to flop out of the path. So I called my dad and told him to hurry up and get down here to help me finish him off. When I got to were I shot him i for blood and both his front legs. So I loaded my gun and went runing after him. when I got within maybe 50 feet I could see his butt stinking up in the air and I wasnt going to get to close to him knowing he was hurt so I shot at all I could see his butt. well he fell over and I figured he was dead. So I walked up closer and he kicked up on his hind legs and I shot him in the neck and he floped to the ground. I only had 1 bullet left so I ran up as close as I thought I could get and shot him behind the shoulder. he floped over again and dicided to try and run some more so my dad got there with his 45. and after 2 bullets from that he finally died.
Fall 2006 One morning my younger brother and I were out hunting with my dad. Well we got to the stands and Dakota my younger brother wanted to sit in the 2-man stand with me, so I let him. Well a couple of does jumped the fence and came running over the pasture at us, and my brother said hey don’t shoot any does there are two bucks coming right behind them. So we sat there and waited for those 2 to come in, it seemed like it took them 10 or 15 minutes to come in but it was only about 2 or 3 and they got in range for a shotgun. Well I put the bead on the bigger looking one and told my brother to shoot the other one so he did, I told him to pull the trigger on the count of 3. So I counted to 3 and we shot, he dropped his right in its tracks mine ran about 30 yards and fell over. well come to find out we got out of the stands and tagged his and field dressed it then we went over to mine and come to find out he shot the bigger one of the 2 and dad was amazed because we all thought he shot the littlest one but he shot one of the biggest bucks anyone has seen around this place in awhile it was a Typical 14-pointer mine was only an 8-pointer and we haven’t ever got his scored but we want to. And to this day he still sits in that same spot every morning of opening day of shotgun season. He usually to this day still gets a deer every morning of opening day.Tree Stand
Nov 2006Here’s a couple of pics from our Mule deer hunt. Zone 5. and the White tail we got in the Kincaid area
Kincaid, SKNovember 2004Picked up a Savage 50 Cal Muzzle loader last week. Got out on Friday afternoon near Lanigan. Set the scope in and then went out for an evening shoot. Managed to get a shot at about 100 yards just before dark. Not bad for my first White tail with the muzzle loader. It is an 8 x 6 with 6 inch plus brow tines. Not that even but an interesting rack. Check this out!!! Lanigan, SK
Nov. 2003Done for another year. He is not the biggest deer out there, but he’s the biggest one I seen .Saskatoon, SK
Nov. 2003Done for another year. He is not the biggest deer out there, but he’s the biggest one I seen .Saskatoon, SK
Nov – 03Rod Erick Delaronde Lake, SK Nov – 03Delaronde Lake, SK
Nov – 03Eldon & Ryan Delaronde Lake, SK Nov – 03Delaronde Lake, SK
Nov – 03Eldon Wiebe Delaronde Lake, SKDelaronde Lake, SK
Whitetail Deer Hunting Videos
White tail Outfitters
Outfitters, Guides & Lodges | Location | Province | Species | Phone | |
Bone Quest Outfitters | White Fox | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear | 306-227-9637 | Send Email |
Chaparral Hunting Adventures | Livelong | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, walleye, nothern pike | 1 (306) 285-7773 | Send Email |
Otter Creek Outfitters | Leoville | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear | 17808723324 | Send Email |
1AAA Absolute Accurate Adventures Outfitters Canada | Poplarfield | Manitoba | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, timber wolf | 204-664-5552 | |
654396 o/a PETRA CONTRACTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 356-3482 / Fax: (780) 356-3482 | ||
721817 ALBERTA LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone / Fax: (780) 689-5597 | ||
AB. WILDERNESS GUIDE SERVICE | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 662-4584 | ||
ACCESS ALBERTA OUTFITTERS & GUIDE SERVICE | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 469-5473 | ||
Ace Wilderness Guiding Services Ltd. | Woodlands | Manitoba | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, rainbow trout, arctic grayling, catfish, Caribou Musk Ox Wolf Bass Brook Trout Perch | 204-383-5628 | |
Agassiz Outfitters | Waterhen | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 1-204-628-3491 | |
AILSBY GARNET | Alberta | whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 798-2117 | ||
ALBERTA ADVENTURE OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 722-2035 / Fax (403) 722-2075 | ||
ALBERTA BIG HORNS LIMITED | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 932-5504 / Fax: (780) 932-7413 | ||
ALBERTA BOWHUNTING ADVENTURES LTD. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 675-4845 / Fax: (780) 675-4843 | ||
ALBERTA BUSH ADVENTURES | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 324-2174 / Fax: (780) 324-2276 | ||
ALBERTA GAME GETTERS. | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 993-2197 / Fax: (780) 421-9478 | ||
ALBERTA NATIVE GUIDE SERVICES LTD. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 478-1988 / Fax: (780) 478-1918 | ||
ALBERTA TRADITIONAL BOWHUNTS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 481-9931 | ||
ALBERTA TROPHY HUNTS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 932-5442/Fax:(403) 932-5283 | ||
ALBERTA WATERFOWL & BIG GAME OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 459-6287 Fax: (780) 419-2178 | ||
ALBERTA WHITETAIL CONNECTION | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Antelope | Phone: (780) 444-4222 ELK | ||
ALBERTA’S NORTHERN TROPHY HUNTS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 926-2207 / Fax: (780) 926-3530 | ||
ALBERTA’S SAFARI QUEST | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 363-2291 / Fax: (780) 363-2281 | ||
ALBERTA’S TROPHY WHITETAILS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (780) 349-5705 | ||
ALL TERRAIN GUIDE & OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer | Phone/Fax: # (780) 891-3309 | ||
ALPINE OUTFITTERS | Grande Prairie AB T8V 0R6 | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, black bear, Wolf | Phone: (780) 539-4209 / Fax:(780) 539-4207 | |
ALTA PRO OUTFITTING & GUIDING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 447-2514 | ||
ANCHOR BAR EXPEDITIONS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 646-5714 / Fax: (403) 646-5715 | ||
ANCHOR D HIGH MOUNTAIN HUNTS LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 933-2867 / Fax: (403) 933-2255 | ||
ANTLER OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 623-4828 | ||
ANTLER VALLEY ADVENTURES | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer | Phone: (250) 637-2276 / Fax: (250) 637-2276 | ||
Antonichuk Outfitters | Preeceville | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | 306-547-4706 | |
Athabasca Camps Inc. and Athabasca Eco Expeditions | Saskatoon | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, arctic grayling | 306-653-5490 or 1-800-667-5490 | |
ATHABASCA RIVER OUTFITTERS INC. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 674-5715 / Fax: (780) 674-8125 | ||
AVENIR GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 798-2280 / Fax: (780) 798-2293 | ||
B. B. & D GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck, Antelope | Phone / Fax: (403) 832-2222 | ||
BATTLE RIVER LODGE | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 469-0579 / Fax: (780) 465-5040 | ||
BATTLE RIVER OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 742-4405 / Fax: (403) 742-4405 | ||
BEAR CANYON OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 835-1405 / Fax: (780) 685-2159 | ||
BEARPAW OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 624-4400 / Fax: (780) 624-4024 | ||
BEARS AND MORE | Alberta | whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 998-9490 | ||
BENT ARROW OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 413-0377 / Fax: (780) 483-1721 | ||
BERLAND RIVER OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 865-3295 / Fax: (780) 865-3046 | ||
Big Island Cove Resort Ltd. | Goodsoil | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, walleye, nothern pike | Phone: 306-238-4648 | |
BIG KNIFE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 742-9491/ Fax: (403) 883-2192 | ||
BIG RACK ADVENTURES | Alberta | whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 576-2396 / Fax: (780) 576-2394 | ||
BIG VALLEY OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (403) 646-0012 | ||
BIG WHITE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer | Phone / Fax: (403) 931-3942 | ||
Big Woods Wilderness Outfitters | Winnipeg | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, walleye, nothern pike, timber wolf, smallmouth bass | 866-444-0401 | |
BIGHORN BOWHUNTING ADVENTURES | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 932-1678 / Fax: (403) 932-1687 | ||
BIRCH CREEK OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 624-5924 / Fax: (780) 624-8205 | ||
BIRCH MOUNTAIN OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 743-4173 / Fax: (780) 791-6300 | ||
BLACK BAY OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone/Fax: (780) 586-3573 | ||
BLACK DOG OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 662-3436 / Fax: (780) 662-9392 | ||
BLAZER OUTFITTING | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 376-3553 | ||
BLUE BRONNA GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 443-5718 / Fax: (403) 443-5087 | ||
BLUE BUCK GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 856-2475 | ||
Blue Haze Hunt Club | Lorette | Manitoba | whitetail deer | 204-878-3307 | |
Boone Outfitting | Benito | Manitoba | whitetail deer | (204) 539 – 2493 | |
BOW HUNTING ALBERTA | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone (403) 381-4441 / Fax: (403) 320-6389 | ||
Brad Desjarlais Hunting and Guiding | Punnichy | Saskatchewan | elk, moose, whitetail deer | 306-835-2244 | |
BREDESON GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 538-4251 | ||
BRIGDEN GRAHAM | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, Antelope | Phone: (403) 893-2147 | ||
BROADHEAD OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone/Fax: (403) 876-2588 | ||
Buck Creek Outfitting (694424 AB. LTD.) | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 621-8901 / Fax: (780) 542-2787 | ||
BUCK MOUNTAIN OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 499-3670 / Fax: (780) 467-8296 | ||
Buck Paradise Outfitters | Paradise Hill | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | 306-344-4638 | |
BUCKS ‘N BEARS OUTFITTERS INC. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (780) 464-6419 | ||
BUFFALO COULEE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 842-8018 / Fax: (780) 842-6809 | ||
BUFFALO HEAD GUIDING SERVICE | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone / Fax: (403) 928-2626 | ||
BUFFALO LAKE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 883-2292 / Fax: (403) 883-2108 | ||
Camp Grayling | Yorkton | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, arctic grayling | 306-439-2178 | |
CAMPBELL JAMES W. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Cougar | Phone: (403) 507-2626 | ||
Campeau Guiding & Outfitting Ltd. | Carragana | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear | 306-278-2154 | |
Candle Lake Outfitters | Candle Lake | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, walleye, nothern pike | Phone: 306-929-4619 | |
Caribou Trail Outfitters | Medicine Hat | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck | 403- 528-4353 | |
Carriere’s Camp | Cumberland House | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | Phone: (306) 888- 2098 | |
CARTER SCOTT | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 785-2061 | ||
CERVO RALPH | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, Antelope | Phone: (403) 628-2444 | ||
CHALIFOUX LLOYD | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 783-6238 | ||
CHINCHAGA OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone / Fax: (780) 927-4696 | ||
CHINOOK COUNTRY OUTFITTERS INC. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 381-0535 | ||
Churchill River Wilderness Camps | Medstead | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 306-342-2060 | |
CLASSIC OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Bowhunting Only ? | Phone/Fax: (780) 797- 2222 | ||
COLEMAN RANCHING & OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 994-2726 / Fax: (780) 539-0001 | ||
CONNAH TREVOR | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 978-1565 | ||
Cook’s Outfitting | Mistatim | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear | 231-225-2330 | |
COUGAR OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, Cougar | Phone: (403) 637-219 | ||
Cowan Lake Outfitters | Big River | SK | whitetail deer, black bear | 1-717-821-5070 | |
D & O Soloway Outfitters | Pine River | Manitoba | elk, moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: 1-(204) 263-2643 | |
D & S GUIDING | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 336-2390 / Fax: (780) 336-2397 | ||
DANIEL DARREN | Alberta | whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 875-4966 | ||
DEER SPRINGS OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Fax: (403) 932-6600 | ||
DEERLODGE OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 644-3867 / Fax: (403) 644-3868 | ||
DIAMOND T OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 356-2361 / Fax: (780) 356-2367 | ||
DICKSON GUIDING LTD. | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck, Antelope | Phone: (403) 833-2135 / Fax: (403) 833-2135 | ||
DON AYERS OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 479-4433 / Fax: (780) 474-9068 | ||
DONALD HOWARD | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 696-2403 | ||
Dore Lake Lodge | Big River | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 306 832 4511 | |
DOUBLE DIAMOND OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Antelope Cougar | Phone: (403) 650-5554 / Fax: (403) 931-4822 | ||
DOUBLE DIAMOND WILDERNESS HUNTS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | PH# (403) 843-4049 | ||
Double L-L Outfitters | The Pas | Manitoba | whitetail deer | Phone: 1-(204) 623-3267 | |
Double X Guiding & Outfitting | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Wolf Coyote Res Sheep | Phone: 403 335-4500 | ||
DREAM CATCHER TROPHY HUNTS | Alberta | whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 939-7112 | ||
DUTCHIK JESSE | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 863-0732 / Fax: (403) 932-2624 | ||
EAGLE CREEK OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 556-8480 / Fax: (403) 556-6125 | ||
EAGLE RIVER WILDERNESS ADVENTURES LTD | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 778-3251 / Fax: (780) 778-6601 | ||
ECHO CANYON OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (403) 845-6131 | ||
EGGE WILDERNESS GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 464-2660 | ||
ETHICAL OUTFITTERS INC. | Alberta | whitetail deer | Phone (780) 469-6060 | ||
EVERHART LEON | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 798-2150/ Fax: (780) 525-2487 | ||
EXCELL OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (780) 349-3068 | ||
EXTREME WILDERNESS ADVENTURES | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone (780) 455-6438 | ||
FALL FEATHER’S OUTFITTING | Alberta | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 823-7172 | ||
FISHER JAMES A. | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 845-6169 / Fax: (403) 845-6711 | ||
Fredlund Guide Service | Sundre Alberta | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck, Wolf | 403-638-9039 | |
FRIESEN LYN R. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone / Fax: (403) 556-2595 | ||
FUCHS HANS JOACHIM | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 836-2603 / Fax: (780) 836-2898 | ||
G. W. L. ENTERPRIZE | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 436-3737 | ||
Glen Hill’s Saskatchewan Trophy Hunting & Fishing Lodge | Saskatoon | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | Phone: (306) 374-3223 | |
GOLDEN EAGLE TROPHY OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 627-4578 / Fax: (403) 627-2249 | ||
GOLKA MIKE | Alberta | whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 922-4388 | ||
Grandview Outfitters | Grandview | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear | Summer: 1-(204) 546-2751 | |
GREAT BEAR ADVENTURES LTD. | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone/Fax: (403) 253-7845 | ||
GREAT PLAINS OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 526-6070 | ||
GREAT VALLEY OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 584-2006 / Fax: (780) 584-3978 | ||
GREAT WHITE HOLDINGS LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | 780-487-8825 | ||
Great White North Wilderness Lodges | Winnipeg | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, arctic grayling, ptarmigan largemouth & small mouth bass brook trout muskie | 204-982-9680 | |
Green Lake Outfitters | Cranbrook | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear | 250-427-3914 | |
GRIZZLY MOUNTAIN OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 849-4086 | ||
GRIZZLY TRAIL GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (780) 674-5471 | ||
Gunson Guiding & Outfitting | Deloraine | Manitoba | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Year-Round: 1-(204) 534-6299 | |
HAPPY HUNTERS GUIDING & OUTFITTING INC. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 435-6644 / Fax: (780) 437-8714 | ||
Hawkrock Wilderness Adventures | Porcupine Plain | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, arctic grayling | Phone: (306) 278-3351 | |
HEAD HUNTERS ALBERTA | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone/Fax: (403) 275-9777 | ||
HEBERT GUIDING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 524-2417 / Fax: (780) 524-4725 | ||
HOMESTEAD OUTFITTERS ALBERTA | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 751-2252 | ||
HORIZON OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone/Fax: (403) 782-1982 | ||
HUMMINGBIRD TRAIL & OUTFITTERS CO. LTD | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 887-2988 | ||
HUNT MARVIN | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 775-2146 | ||
IMPACT ADVENTURES INC. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Antelope | Phone: (780) 431-1915 | ||
INSTINCT TROPHY HUNTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 968-5792 / Fax:(780) 968-5793 | ||
IRON RIVER RANCH | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (780) 826-4261 | ||
JACKPINE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 623-8398 | ||
JAMES A SMITH OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 556-7987 | ||
JORDY MCAULEY OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 456-4763 / Fax: (780) 835-2072 | ||
K COUNTRY OUTFITTING | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 932-6088 | ||
Keeley Lake Lodge (1989) Ltd. | Meadow Lake | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, walleye, nothern pike | Phone: 306-288-4444 | |
King Buck Safaris | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, perch, timber wolf | 204-664-5552 | ||
KIRSCHNER MARTIN | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 954-2420 | ||
KOOTENAY OUTFITTER & GUIDES | Alberta | whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 939-6188 / Fax:(780) 939-7256 | ||
KRAMPS DAVID | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 957-2434 | ||
KWIATKOWSKI ROGER | Alberta | whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 645-4083 / Fax: (780) 635-2173 | ||
Larry Delorme, Guide & Outfitter | Hinton | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Big Horn Sheep | Phone: (780) 865-9223 | |
LAWSON ROGER | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone/Fax: (780) 682-3986 | ||
Legend Lake Outfitters | Turner Valley | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: 1-403-933-2626 | |
LEGEND OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 359-2732 | ||
LEISURE GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 967-3630 | ||
LONE PINE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 638-7579 / Fax: (403) 638-3698 | ||
Lone Pine Outfitting | Sundre | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, cougar | 403 638 5201 | |
LOST CREEK OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, Antelope | Phone/Fax: (403) 362-4842 | ||
LOST GUIDE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 638-4149 / Fax: (403) 638-3311 | ||
LOTSABUCKS OUTFITTERS | Stettler | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 742-5911 | |
MAGNUM OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 624-8616 | ||
Make Thunder Outfitters | canwood | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, Predator Hunts | 306 468 2010/ 468 7321 | |
Makwa River Outfitters Ltd. | Makwa | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck | Phone: 306-236-4649 | |
MATHES JOSEF | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, Antelope | Phone: (403) 228-5690 | ||
McKay’s Sisip Outfitters | Cumberland House | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, duck | 306-888-4414 | |
MCKENZIE BROTHERS OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Antelope | Phone: (780) 988-6646 / Fax: (780) 439-6317 | ||
McKenzie Camp Outfitters | Cumberland House | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 306-888-7045 | |
MCKINNON & CO. OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 331-2440 / Fax: (780) 331-2441 | ||
MCKINNON DALE | Alberta | whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 636-2406 | ||
MIKE’S OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Antelope | Phone: (403) 933-3770 / Fax: (403) 933-5172 | ||
Mikes Hunting Adventures | Carrragana | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear | 1-306-278-7897 | |
MILK RIVER OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck, Antelope | Phone: (403) 636-3279 / Fax: (403) 626-3036 | ||
Montgomery Outfitting Service Ltd. | Morse | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (306) 629-3752 | |
MOOSE HORN OUTFITTING | Little Bear Lake | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, lake trout | Phone: 306-426-2700 | |
MOOSE VALLEY OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (250) 782-5679 | ||
MOUNTAIN MEMORIES GUIDING & RENTALS LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 564-4814 / Fax: (403) 564-4864 | ||
Mountain Oak Outfitters | Ste. Rose du Lac | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: 1-(204) 732-2483 | |
MOUNTAINS EDGE OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 501-1494 | ||
MUSTANG RANCH GUIDES | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 685-2503 / Fax: (780) 685-2291 | ||
MX RANCH | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 627-2450 / Fax: (403) 627-1403 | ||
NAGY EDITH | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 556-2984 | ||
NANNINGA HENRY | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 674-5737 | ||
Natimeek Outfitters | Red Earth | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, duck | 306-768-3517 | |
NELSON LAUREL M. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, Cougar | Phone/Fax: (403) 558-2425 | ||
NORTH ALBERTA OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone:Fax: (780) 775-2727 | ||
NORTH ALTA VENTURES | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 836-2799 / Fax: (780) 836-3390 | ||
NORTH COUNTRY OUTFITTING & GUIDE SERVICE | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 623-1774 / Fax: (780) 623-1997 | ||
NORTH RIVER OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 922-5627 | ||
NORTH STAR OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 847-2392 / Fax: (780) 847-2925 | ||
Northern Pine Outfitters | Quill Lakes | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | 306-383-2717 | |
NORTHERN POINTS OUTFITTING & GUIDING | Alberta | whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 910-1596 | ||
NORTHERN TIMBER TROPHY HUNTS & WILD ADV. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 417-3903 | ||
NORTHERN WILDERNESS OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 829-2264 / Fax: (780) 829-2442 | ||
Northridge Enterprises Inc/Parkland Whitetail | Paradise Hill | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: 306-248-3653 | |
OLDMAN RIVER OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 223-1629 / Fax: (403) 223-1686 | ||
ONGARO OUTDOORS LTD | Alberta | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (800) 465-6227 / Fax: (780) 472-9971 | ||
OUTBACK OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | whitetail deer | Phone: (780) 967-2432 | ||
OUTDOOR PASTIMES UNLIMITED | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 939-6878 / Fax: (780) 939-6770 | ||
OUTLAWS GUIDING & OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 556-2713 / Fax: (403) 556-3030 | ||
OVERALL OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 638-2735 / Fax: (403) 638-2184 | ||
PADLESKY GARY | Alberta | whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 645-5486 | ||
PEACE COUNTRY OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 836-3239 | ||
PERCIVAL TROPHY HUNTS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 635-2391 / Fax: (780) 635-2392 | ||
Pierceland Outfitters Ltd. | Pierceland | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, arctic grayling | Phone: (306) 839-4611 | |
PIKE LAKE OUTFITTERS | Pike Lake | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck, Sandhill Cranes | 866-931-4994 | |
Pinecone Outfitters | Lorette | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: 204 878-HUNT | |
Poplar Point Resort | Cowan Lake | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 306-469-4987 | |
POPLAR RIDGE OUTFITTERS INC. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 857-2465 / Fax: (780) 857-2171 | ||
PORCUPINE CREEK OUTFITTERS LTD | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Cougar | Phone: (403) 627-2540 / Fax: (403) 627-4301 | ||
POWLESLAND BERNARD | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 627-3328 / Fax: (403) 627-5473 | ||
Primitive Outfitting | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone/Fax: (780) 690-7725 | ||
PVO Ltd. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 928-2218 / Fax: (780) 928-3309 | ||
R. C. DICKSON GUIDING SERVICES | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck, Antelope | Phone / Fax: (403) 833-2135 | ||
RAM HEAD OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, Cougar | Phone: (780) 848-7578 / Fax: (780) 848-7550 | ||
RATTLESNAKE OUTDOOR CONSULTING | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 362-5491 | ||
RAVEN OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 469-5973 / Fax: (780) 466-0388 | ||
RED WILLOW OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (780) 524-4574 | ||
Redwillow Outfitting | Arborfield | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer | Phone: (306) 768-2671 | |
REIL BRENT | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 662-2961 | ||
Riel R. Bosse Guiding & Outfitting | Kelvington | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (306) 327-5770 | |
RIVER VALLEY LODGE | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck, Wolf Bison | Phone / Fax:: (780) 842-6207 | ||
Riverside Lodge | Duck Bay | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, trout, carp, perch | 204-524-2472 | |
Romanuik’s Bucks Bulls & Bears | Candle Lake | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: 306-929-2190 | |
RON LOUCKS OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 729-2687 / Fax: (403) 729-2687 | ||
RYK VISSCHER’S BOWHUNTING ADVENTURES | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 462-6611 / Fax: (780) 450-0386 | ||
Safari River Outdoors | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | Summer Phone: (306) 236-3905 | ||
SAND RIVER OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 726-3651 | ||
SAVAGE ENCOUNTERS INC. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/ Fax: (403) 845-2607 | ||
SCHIILE ROGER | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 471-3844 / Fax: (780) 398-2488 | ||
SCHULTE TERRY | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 967-5404 | ||
SCHULZ WERNER | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 349-5075 | ||
SHERWOOD GUIDES AND OUTFITTERS INC. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 922-2266 / Fax: (780) 922-4674 | ||
SILVER FOX OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 723-3598 / Fax: (780) 723-3656 | ||
SILVER SAGE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 362-4842 / Fax: (403) 362-4870 | ||
SILVERTIP OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone / Fax: 403 256-5018 | ||
SKYLINE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 625-2398 / Fax: (403) 625-2383 | ||
SMOKY RIVER OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 459-2422 | ||
Smoothstone Lake Lodge | Waldheim | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, walleye, nothern pike | Phone: 306-230-9279 | |
SNAKE CREEK WHITETAILS INC. | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 938-7203 | ||
SOUTH PAW OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 785-3404 / Fax: (780) 785-2099 | ||
SOUTH RAM OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Cougar | Phone: (403) 722-2539 / Fax: (403) 722-2294 | ||
SPRING CREEK OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 623-2003 / Fax: (780) 623-2419 | ||
STRICKER OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (780) 685-0000 | ||
SVEN-ERIK JANSSON ASSOCIATES LTD. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 455-6281 / Fax: (780) 452-5376 | ||
TAGGED-OUT HUNTING ENTERPRISES | Alberta | whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 726-4484 | ||
TALL GRASS OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (250) 620-6804 / Fax: (250) 620-6803 | ||
TALL TIMBERS OUTFITTING | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 826-3052 | ||
TALL TIMBERS OUTFITTING SERVICES LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 763-2275 / Fax: (780) 763-2236 | ||
TAMARACK HUNTING ADVENTURES | Alberta | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 636-3768 / Fax: (780) 636-2615 | ||
TAMARACK VISTA OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 722-3896 / Fax: (403) 722-2230 | ||
THREE RIVERS ADVENTURES | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone (403) 752-4008 Fax (403) 752-4920 | ||
Thunder Mountain Outfitters | Christopher Lake | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear | Summer Phone: 306-425-8200 | |
TRACKER OUTFITTER-GUIDING SERVICE | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 826-5640 | ||
TRACKS N TRAILS OUTFITTING CO. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, Cougar | Phone / Fax: (780) 542-4375 | ||
Trail End Camp & Outfitters | Pointe du Bois | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, Smallmouth Bass, Sturgeon, Perch | 1-866-404-4868 | |
Trails End Outfitters | Nipawin | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | Phone: 306-862-9228 | |
TRAPPER’S GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone / Fax: (780) 693-2834 | ||
TRIPLE CROWN GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 963-0142 / Fax: (780) 968-2259 | ||
TRIPLE DEUCE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (250) 442-5213 / Fax:(250) 442-5218 | ||
TRIPLE S OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 938-7766 | ||
TROPHY BOOK OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone (780) 962-6322 /Fax: (780) 962-6356 | ||
TROPHY BUCK OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 446-3824 / Fax: (780) 986-9861 | ||
Trophy Hunters Alberta | Calgary | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | 877-HUNT-YES | |
TROPHY QUEST OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 922-5971 / Fax: (780) 922-5904 | ||
TWIN RIVER OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 621-0843 / Fax: (780) 621-1388 | ||
UPPER EDGE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 853-2250 / Fax: (780) 853-5170 | ||
VENTURE NORTH OUTFITTING | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 489-0844 / Fax: (780) 489-9933 | ||
VIC FORCHUK & SONS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 542-1789 / Fax: (780) 388-3004 | ||
WALKER DAVID J. | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 328-5382 | ||
WELCH JACK | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 941-3568 | ||
WENZEL WERNER | Alberta | whitetail deer | Phone: (403) 519-0909 / Fax: (403) 246-6415 | ||
WESLEY FRANK | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone / Fax: (403) 328-9370 | ||
WEST COUNTRY OUTDOOR ADVENTURES | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 968-2765 / Fax: (780) 962-4600 | ||
WESTERN GUIDING SERVICES | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck, Antelope | Phone:/Fax: (403) 565-3775 | ||
WHISPERING PINE OUTFITTER | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 727-3782 / Fax: (780) 727-2764 | ||
WHITE CLAW OUTFITTERS LTD. | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 962-8761 / Fax: (780) 962-0815 | ||
WHITETAIL SAFARIS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone/Fax: (780) 963-6294 | ||
WHITLOW PETER | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 932-4295 | ||
WILD COUNTRY OUTFITTING | Whitecourt AB | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 778-2499 | |
WILD KAKWA OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (780) 513-1338 / Fax: (780) 538-0395 | ||
WILD ROSE WHITETAILS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 592-2224 / Fax: (780) 592-2101 | ||
WILDERNESS EXPERIENCE | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 905-8123 | ||
WILDHAY HUNTS | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone (780) 718-2080 / Fax: (780) 929-5820 | ||
WILLOW CREEK OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 646-3228 | ||
WIND VALLEY GUIDING | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone: (403) 637-2234 / Fax: (403) 637-3818 | ||
WINDRIDGE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (403) 637-2185 | ||
Winefred Lake Cont. Guiding & Tours | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, Fishing Trapline Tours Fowl Hunts | Phone: (780) 656-4073 / Fax: (780) 656-4313 | ||
Winefred Lake Lodge | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer | Phone/Fax: (780) 713-5578 | ||
WOLF CREEK ENTERPRISES | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear | Phone/Fax: (403) 948-7718 | ||
ZUGER RALPH | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer | Phone: (780) 865-4711 |