Scott Lake Lodge
Species Guided: Northern Pike Lake Trout Arctic Grayling is pleased to list our resources on goose hunting including the
best places for Goose Hunting in Alberta, Goose Hunting in Saskatchewan and Goose Hunting in Manitoba and our listing of goose hunting outfitters.
Go to Goose Hunting Pictures Go to Goose Hunting Vidoes Go to Goose Hunting Outfitters
The recommendations are based on our own experiences,
suggestions from friends and relatives and from visitors to our web site
offering their own recommendations. Please respect
landowner rights and request permission prior to goose hunting on
private property. This information is intended for the recreational
hunter to aid them in finding a great adventure in our great
Canadian prairie outdoors.
Our Favorite Places for Goose Hunting
Location: Duck Lake
Comments: During the spring snow goose migration, snow geese seem to gather in the fields around duck lake and Rosthern. ————
Location: Yellow Grass
Comments: In the area between Wilcox and Yellow Grass, the snow geese seem to pause during their spring migration in this area. You will find 100,000+ geese at a time.————
Location: Warman
Comments: On the west side of the river, in the late fall, the Canada Geese will use the river as their water roost and fly up to feed in the nearby fields.————
Location: Lavoy
Comments: Canada Geese————
Location: Langham
Comments: Snow geese can often be found W of Langham in the thousands.————
Location: Edmonton
Comments: East of Edmonton there are a good number of large bodies of water that make for good roosting water in the fall migration for Canada geese and ducks.————
Location: Roleau
Comments: This land is flat flat flat. It is the site of of the fictional town Dog River in the TV show Corner Gas. Stay low as there is very little cover and your silhouette will be sure to spook low flying birds. If possible use some long grass to hide your blinds in. ————
Location: Taber
Comments: The fields south of Taber are great for early season Canada goose shoots. Get up early! They start flying by 5:30 am.————
Location: it is in ontairo
Comments: the location is gore bay Ontairo on Manitoulin Island.
look for the just cut feilds!!!————
Location: it is in ontairo
Comments: the location is gore bay Ontairo on Manitoulin Island.
look for the just cut feilds!!!————
Location: Bradwell
Comments: Late October afternoons are great for snows in the fields
Location: Saskatoon
Comments: Just got back from a morning field shoot with my golden retriever Bones. We knocked down six big Canada’s but we only came home with 4. The four were adult birds and the largest weighing in at 10.5 pounds a good weight for this time of the year. I had four dozen shell decoys out and was using SuperMagnum decoy to hide in. I had some big Canada’s land only 20 yards from me so it was a great morning. I called that flock right in and then missed with my first shot. I am once again not happy with the steel shot but I will have to get used to it. I knocked two more big birds down only to have them get up and fly away when the dog approached them the geese are not even well feathered yet. I am shooting the remington 3″ shells loaded with BB, I thought that it would have the knock down power I guess I was wrong with those two geese the other three were stone dead. I had to ring one neck. I would like to hear from other people from Saskatchewan that have been out. I know that it
is early but any info would be appreciated. ————
Location: Bruce Lake
Comments: If you are up north of Calgary Alberta this is the place to be you can get out on a point and ducks will be flying from every where. It was the best shoot of my life me and my dad each got 2 Canada geese and 8 pintails. A lot of work but it made a lot of good meals. But if you go there make sure it’s not windy for some reason the ducks won’t fly there in a wind some geese but no ducks.
Location: Anywhere
Comments: In early September, and through to freeze over, when the geese start to travel south, you can find them in almost any field within 10-15 kms of any sizeable body of water. For the real hot spots, find a major flight path, such as the Swift Current to Kindersley corridor. North & south of Regina is also very promising. ————
Location: Colonsay
Comments: At any given time, you can see up to 10 separate flocks, each with 50 to 200 birds.————
Location: Davidson
Comments: The big Snows really seem to gather up around Davidson in mid-October.————
Location: Lanigan
Comments: East of town you’ll find flocks of hundreds of Canada’s and Snow Geese. Many Mallards around as well.————
Location: Youngstown
Comments: Get up early in the morning and lie low behind some well set up bales in the fields. Make sure you have a few decoys set up as well. They will land in an occupied field more readily than an empty field. You only need about 6 decoy to convince them to land. ————
Location: Wynyard
Comments: There’s lots of natural blinds and bush surrounding the many ponds and small lakes and sloughs. Bring plenty of ammo. Make sure you know your bag limits! You’ll fill ’em.————
Location: Westburne
Comments: Lots of Snow Geese and Canada Geese this morning (Oct 12, 2002). ————
Location: Winnipeg
Comments: Just South of Winnipeg, in the many grain fields, the Canada’s come to feed. Daytime and at night they like the many small ponds and man-made lakes in the city then cruise a few miles out to the fields in the morning and evening to feed.————
Location: Saskatoon
Comments: The South Sask and North Sask rivers usually have enough current in late fall to keep them clear of ice through November. This keeps some of the geese around for a late season shoot. This year, 2002, I have seen flock of 10 (many) to 200 (few) all the way up to Dec 1. They don’t range far, no more than a couple of kms from open water.
Location: Bassano
Comments: For late season Canada Goose, try the area around Bassano, Alberta. The water stays open around the Bosano Dam and several flocks stick around until late December if the the snow cover is light enough so that the geese can still find food.
If you would like to suggest a goose hunting location, please
use our hunting recommendation form.
You can also tell us your goose hunting story and submit goose hunting pictures
to be posted on line in our
Goose Hunting Pictures and Stories from The Campfire
2023-11-05A few of many geese nocked down over a few days of hunting in SaskatchewanSask2023-11-05A few more for the pileSask
2017-09-18Out in the prairies of Manitoba learning to call in the ducks and geese. Westbourne Manitiba
2017-05-02Stanley Goose Camp – Manitoba
2017-05-02Stanley Goose Camp – Manitoba
2017-05-02Stanley Goose Camp – Manitoba
2017-05-02Stanley Goose Camp – Manitoba
2016-11-02Happy hunters back at camp after knocking down some big Canada Geese.Saskatchewan
2016-10-07Knocked this down while hunting with Prairie Rose Outfitters. Great Hunt.SK
2016-10-07Our first hunt of Canada Geese and Ducks with Prairie Rose Outfitters.SK
2016-10-07Great hunt for Canada Geese with Prairie Rose OutfittersSK
2016-05-03Spring snow goose hunting 2016Quill Lakes, SK
2016-05-03Spring snow goose hunting 2016Quill Lakes, SK
2016-05-03Going hunting with my office assitantQuill Lakes, SK
2016-01-07When you find a field like this, you know your spotting is done.Saskatchewan
2015-09-24Had a great shoot of Canada’s, Specks, and Snow GeeseSaskatchewan
April 2015Spring hunting for Snow Geese. Evening hunt. We left our decoys in the field and returned to hunt after a good morning. Not quite as good a shoot as the morning but we did get one banded bird.SK
2015-05-03Some more good spring hunting. A limit shoot in the morning.SK
2015-05-03Day 3 of spring snow goose hunting.SK
2015-05-01Shot a banded snow goose today.SK
2015-05-01This is a very nicely coloured blue phase snow goose.SK
2015-02-18A pile of birds after a waterfowl huntSK
2014-09-15Another great waterfowl hunt with Prairie Rose Outfitters this morning. In the first 2 hours of the hunt, we averaged shooting a bird every two minutes.East of Saskatoon
2014-05-16My girl Koda with a banded snow from a 80 bird hunt in central saskatchewan. Saskatchewan
2014-05-07Spring snow goose hunting in SK. Shot about 50 a day.Lanigan, SK
2014-05-07Hunting is about the time you spend in the field. Spend it with friends and the kill is less important, even though we did kill 50 snow geese today.East of Saskatoon
2014-03-10After a successful waterfowl hunt, still a few thousand birds jumping around the fields.East of Saskatoon
2013-12-02If we had 10 hunters with us today, we would have killed 200 birds. We shot our limit of 20 snow geese each in just over an hour. This was one slough of 5 within a couple miles that the birds were jumping between. Each slough had 20,000 to 50,000 snow geese on or around it.Saskatchewan
2013-10-17A pre-season hunt with the guides from Prairie Rose OutfittersQuill Lakes, SK
2013-10-02Maddux retrieved this snow goose that sailed after being hit. She found it in a slough about 300 yards from the blinds.Saskatchewan
2013-09-22The goose hunting dogs with 4 of the 62 birds from this morning.Saskatchewan
2013-09-22Picking em up!Saskatchewan
2013-09-22Picking em up!Saskatchewan
2013-09-22Geese flying at sunriseSaskatchewan
2013-09-16Some big Canada Geese that came in low and slow to our decoys.Saskatchewan
2013-09-10Snuck up on a slough and popped this Canada goose.SK
2013-07-03A flock of snow geese from our spring hunt this year.Quill Lakes, SK
2013-06-28A shot during the action, the camera crew of Ducks Unlimited TV films some goose hunting in SaskatchewanSaskatchewan
2013-06-21Shooting some eagleheads in Spring 2013Quill Lakes
2012-11-053 of us hunting this morning. Best Canada hunt of the year so far…..done by 10:30…. 24 greaters….Saskatoon, SK
2012-11-0212-13 pound Canada Geese. We shot a mix of greater and lesser Canada’s. 13 Greater and 12 Lesser for a pretty good morning shoot.Saskatoon, SK
2012-11-01This big greater Canada goose was shot while hunting with Prairie Rose Outfitters.Saskatchewan
2012-06-14A friend of ours called and said he had spotted a field with 100,000 snow geese. We jumped at the chance and after setting out 1000 snow goose decoys we had a great shoot. This was one of the four snow goose tornadoes of the morning. There were a few small flocks of specks around as well.
Some video from the day
Central Saskatchewan2012-06-02This banded snow goose was shot while hunting with Prairie Rose Outfitters.Near Quill Lakes, SK
2012-06-022nd Banded Snow Goose of the week with Prairie Rose OutfittersNear Quill Lakes, SK
2012-02-23Over in PEI for an excellent goose huntPrince Edward Island
2012-01-09Waiting in the decoys with our ghillie jackets on.Saskatchewan
2011-12-04We shot a bunch of snow geese this day and we also managed to lure in a flock of specks and dropped a few of them.Central Saskatchewan
2011-11-07A picture is worth a thousand words, i’ll let it speak for itselfAlberta
2011-10-24Some nice specks we knocked down this fall.
2011-10-24Take a close look at the goose on the left in the picture. This is a Quill Lakes Goose. It has a white band across it’s chest and a white stripe down the underside of the neck and white feathers on the leading edge of the wings.Saskatchewan
2011-10-02Shot this grater Canada goose while out hunting with Prairie Rose Outfitters. This was part of the limit of Canada geese we shot in just over an hour that morning.East of Saskatoon
2011-09-01Me and Maddux (dog) went out for a few opening day shots. Shot one Canada and 4 ducks.Saskatoon
2011-07-07This is a picture taken after a Canadian Geese hunt, what a hunt!!Grimshaw, Alberta
2011-07-04Jager retrieves a Canada GooseVonda, SK
2011-05-01Hunting spring snow geese with Prairie Rose Outfitters in Saskatchewan. 45 birds on Thursday morning and 60 birds on Friday morning.Saskatchewan
2010-11-06Calling geese inMentone, Indiana
2010-11-06Getting readyMentone, Indiana
2010-11-01We were hunting snow geese on a cold and foggy morning in late October. The fog was thisck, we couldn’t see the birds until they were within 200 yards.Esk, SK
2010-10-30Hunting snow geese in the cold and wind and fog in late October.Esk, SK
2010-09-29Jared Brown Group shot 135 birds with Prairie Rose Outfitters, Sept 2010Quill lakes
2010-09-29Field Shoot for snow geese with Prairie Rose Outfitters.Quill Lakes
2010-09-28Here are some pictures of my sons 1st waterfowl hunt this past Saturday. We set up decoys on a field out near Allan and boy did they come! We ended up shooting 45 geese and 20 ducks between the 3 of us. Needless to say he had a blast! I didn’t mind too much either!Allan, SK
2010-09-28Story: Here are some pictures of my sons 1st waterfowl hunt this past Saturday. We set up decoys on a field out near Allan and boy did they come! We ended up shooting 45 geese and 20 ducks between the 3 of us. Needless to say he had a blast! I didn’t mind too much either!Allan, SK
2010-09-23My buddy and I, both teenagers, were hunting a public lake in early goose season this year, and happened to get 4 bands out of 9 birds! Couldn’t believe it when my Yello Lab Sage brought them back!
2010-04-25April Snow Goose Hunting, if we could shoot better, there would be a lot more birds in this picture.Watson, SK
2010-04-25Ready for the snow geese Watson, SK
2010-03-06Watson, SK
2010-03-05Dafoe, SK
2010-03-05Dafoe, SK
2010-03-01Lanigan, SK
2010-01-25New Brunswick
2009-09-20It’s nice that Saskatchewan finally allows hunting on Sundays. Went out yesterday morning and dropped a couple of Canada geese by sneaking up on a dugout.SK
2009-09-21Near Saskatoon
2009-09-03Quill Lakes, Saskatchewan
2009-05-06A few of the 50 birds we knocked down on this hunt.Watson, SK
2009-05-06Here’s a handful of 4 snows, 3 of them in blue phase.Watson, SK
2009-05-06Brett wrung this one a bit to aggressively and turned a snow goose into a swan.Watson, SK
2009-05-06A nice snow and a blue phase snow.Watson, SK
2009-05-06We took a few pics before we cleaned all the 50 geese we shot last night and today.Watson, SK
2009-05-06We knocked down 50 snow geese between our evening hunt and our morning hunt. If it would have been legal to shoot Ross’s we would have easily had another 10 to 12 birds down. Could have had some canada geese as well.Watson, SK
2009-04-24Spring Snow Goose hunting near WAtson. We set out over 500 decoys, mostly wind socks. In the evening shoot and morning shoot we took about 50 snow geese.Watson, SK
2008-10-25Pass shooting at first light. We saw about a 100,000 geese this morning. Most were flying too high but these two were just right. should have got the triple.Quill Lakes, Sk
2008-10-24Knocked down about 30 Canada geese this afternoon.Lanigan, SK
October 2007Snow Goose Hunting near Esk, Saskatchewan. The birds didn’t decoy really well this day but we managed to get about 20 snows and 10 or 12 ducks in the morning.Esk
Oct 2007This speck was one of the many we saw this day, but the only one we put down.North of Jansen, SK
Sep 9 2006Today we shot 105 birds, a mix of ross geese, snow geese, and eagleheads. The ducks never showed up or we might have had more.Quill Lakes
Sep 9 2006Two of the hunters from our 106 bird morning.Quill Lakes
Sep 9 2006Father and Son and a pile of snow geese.Quill Lakes
September 2006We were hunting in a field just off the Quill Lakes when we shot this video. In total, we shot 105 birds that day. The decoy layout and electronic calls really worked.
click for video Raining GeeseQuill LakesFall 2005We had just set up our decoys and a flock of 10 to 12 sandhill cranes came for a look. We grabbed our guns and jammed a few shells in just in time. Dave go two on the first pass. We tried calling them back but they veered off at 100 yards and never came backDafoe, SK
September 2005Goose, duck and sandhill crane hunting near Quill LakesQuill Lakes, Saskatchewan
September 2005Goose, duck and sandhill crane hunting near Quill LakesQuill Lakes, Saskatchewan
October, 2000Reg Aupperle Saskatoon, SK October, 2000 Just got back from a morning field shoot with my golden retriever Bones. We knocked down six big Canada’s but we only came home with 4. The four were adult birds and the largest weighing in at 10.5 pounds a good weight for this time of the year. I had four dozen shell decoys out and was using Super magnum decoy to hide in. I had some big Canada’s land only 20 yards from me so it was a great morning. I called that flock right in and then missed with my first shot. I am once again not happy with the steel shot but I will have to get used to it. I knocked two more big birds down only to have them get up and fly away when the dog approached them the geese are not even well feathered yet. I am shooting the remington 3″ shells loaded with BB, I thought that it would have the knock down power I guess I was wrong with those two geese the other three were stone dead. I had to ring one neck. I would like to hear from other people from Saskatchewan that have been out. I know that it is early but any info would be appreciated. Saskatoon, SK
October, 2000Reg Aupperle Saskatoon, SK October, 2000 Just got back from a morning field shoot with my golden retriever Bones. We knocked down six big Canada’s but we only came home with 4. The four were adult birds and the largest weighing in at 10.5 pounds a good weight for this time of the year. I had four dozen shell decoys out and was using Super magnum decoy to hide in. I had some big Canada’s land only 20 yards from me so it was a great morning. I called that flock right in and then missed with my first shot. I am once again not happy with the steel shot but I will have to get used to it. I knocked two more big birds down only to have them get up and fly away when the dog approached them the geese are not even well feathered yet. I am shooting the remington 3″ shells loaded with BB, I thought that it would have the knock down power I guess I was wrong with those two geese the other three were stone dead. I had to ring one neck. I would like to hear from other people from Saskatchewan that have been out. I know that it is early but any info would be appreciated. Saskatoon, SK
Goose Hunting Videos
Goose Hunting Outfitters
Outfitters, Guides & Lodges | Location | Province | Species | Phone | |
Stanley’s Goose Camp | Balmoral | Manitoba | goose, duck | 204-467-8216 | Send Email |
1AAA Absolute Accurate Adventures Outfitters Canada | Poplarfield | Manitoba | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, timber wolf | 204-664-5552 | |
653269 ALBERTA LTD. | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 758-3913 / Fax: (403) 758-3913 | ||
654396 o/a PETRA CONTRACTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 356-3482 / Fax: (780) 356-3482 | ||
Ace Wilderness Guiding Services Ltd. | Woodlands | Manitoba | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, rainbow trout, arctic grayling, catfish, Caribou Musk Ox Wolf Bass Brook Trout Perch | 204-383-5628 | |
Agassiz Outfitters | Waterhen | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 1-204-628-3491 | |
ALBERTA BUSH ADVENTURES | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 324-2174 / Fax: (780) 324-2276 | ||
Alberta Flyway Waterfowl Outfitters Ltd. | Dewberry | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: Toll Free 1-877-847-4459 | |
ALBERTA TROPHY HUNTS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 932-5442/Fax:(403) 932-5283 | ||
ALBERTA WATERFOWL & BIG GAME OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 459-6287 Fax: (780) 419-2178 | ||
ALBERTA’S FALL-FLIGHT | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 295-2858 / Fax: (403) 295-2922 | ||
Antonichuk Outfitters | Preeceville | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | 306-547-4706 | |
Archer’s Outfitting Service | Mossbank | Saskatchewan | goose, duck | Winter Phone: 306-354-2525 | |
Aurora Skies Outfitters | Shell Lake | Saskatchewan | goose, duck | 306-393-0975 | |
B. B. & D GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck, Antelope | Phone / Fax: (403) 832-2222 | ||
BADLAND BIRDS | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 677-2294 / Fax:(403) 677-2299 | ||
BATTLE RIVER LODGE | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 469-0579 / Fax: (780) 465-5040 | ||
BATTLE RIVER OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 742-4405 / Fax: (403) 742-4405 | ||
BEAVER CREEK HUNTING CO. | Alberta | elk, moose, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 960-3525 | ||
BITTERN LAKE OUTFITTING | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 448-0381 / Fax: (780) 440-1724 | ||
BLACK DOG OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 662-3436 / Fax: (780) 662-9392 | ||
BLUE BRONNA GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 443-5718 / Fax: (403) 443-5087 | ||
Blue Sky Outfitters | McLennan AB T0H 2L0 | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: 780-324-2080 | |
BOSS GUIDING SERVICES | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 742-3140 / Fax: (403) 742-6453 | ||
BUCK MOUNTAIN OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 499-3670 / Fax: (780) 467-8296 | ||
Buck Paradise Outfitters | Paradise Hill | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | 306-344-4638 | |
BUFFALO COULEE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 842-8018 / Fax: (780) 842-6809 | ||
BUFFALO HEAD GUIDING SERVICE | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone / Fax: (403) 928-2626 | ||
BUFFALO LAKE OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 883-2292 / Fax: (403) 883-2108 | ||
Camp Grayling | Yorkton | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, arctic grayling | 306-439-2178 | |
CANADA MAXIMAS INC. | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (877) 324-3832 / Fax:(780) 927-3599 | ||
Caribou Trail Outfitters | Medicine Hat | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck | 403- 528-4353 | |
Carriere’s Camp | Cumberland House | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | Phone: (306) 888- 2098 | |
CHINOOK COUNTRY OUTFITTERS INC. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 381-0535 | ||
CHRISTIANSEN LEE | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 384-2198 / Fax: (780) 384-2124 | ||
Churchill River Wilderness Camps | Medstead | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 306-342-2060 | |
D & L Prairie Outfitters | Lampman | Saskatchewan | goose, duck | 306-487-7966? | |
DARREL WISE GUIDE SERVICES | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 755-2006 / Fax: (406) 961-5413 | ||
DEERLODGE OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 644-3867 / Fax: (403) 644-3868 | ||
DERKSEN DARRELL | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 928-4800 Fax: (780) 928-4410 | ||
DICKSON GUIDING LTD. | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck, Antelope | Phone: (403) 833-2135 / Fax: (403) 833-2135 | ||
Dore Lake Lodge | Big River | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 306 832 4511 | |
EMPTY GUN OUTFITTER | Alberta | goose, duck | |||
FALL FEATHER’S OUTFITTING | Alberta | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 823-7172 | ||
FALLING FEATHERS OUTFITTING | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 826-1193 / Fax: (306) 839-2266 | ||
FIN & FEATHER GUIDE SERVICE | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (305) 553-5617 / Fax: (305) 553-5229 | ||
FOWL WEATHER OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: : (403) 362-4122/ Fax: (403) 362-4123 | ||
Fredlund Guide Service | Sundre Alberta | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck, Wolf | 403-638-9039 | |
G & S Marina Outfitters | Strasbourg | Saskatchewan | goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 306-725-4466 | |
GABRIELSON ROD | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 842-0010 / Fax:(780) 858-2334 | ||
GANDER GUIDING | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 624-6588 / Fax: | ||
GET-A-GOOSE GUIDE SERVICE | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 597-2662 / Fax: (360) 293-5240 | ||
Glen Hill’s Saskatchewan Trophy Hunting & Fishing Lodge | Saskatoon | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | Phone: (306) 374-3223 | |
GOLDEN EAGLE TROPHY OUTFITTERS | Alberta | elk, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 627-4578 / Fax: (403) 627-2249 | ||
GOLKA JOHN | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 888-2274 / Fax: (780) 888-2275 | ||
Goose Haven Canada | Meadow Lake | Saskatchewan | black bear, goose, duck | 306-236-3527 (Aug-Nov) 207-725-2938 (Nov-July) | |
GOOSE MASTER | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 624-1839 / Fax (780) 624-8488 | ||
GOOSEBUSTERS | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 657-2021 | ||
GRAND SLAM HUNTING ADVENTURES LTD. | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 417-4110 | ||
GREAT WHITE HOLDINGS LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | 780-487-8825 | ||
Great White North Wilderness Lodges | Winnipeg | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, arctic grayling, ptarmigan largemouth & small mouth bass brook trout muskie | 204-982-9680 | |
GREENHEAD ADVENTURES | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 645-4767 / Fax: (780) 645-2966 | ||
Gunson Guiding & Outfitting | Deloraine | Manitoba | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Year-Round: 1-(204) 534-6299 | |
HAPPY HUNTERS GUIDING & OUTFITTING INC. | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 435-6644 / Fax: (780) 437-8714 | ||
Hawkrock Wilderness Adventures | Porcupine Plain | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, arctic grayling | Phone: (306) 278-3351 | |
High Prairie Outfitters | Sioux Falls | Saskatchewan | goose, duck | Phone: 605-338-2377 | |
Highland Outfitters | Outlook | Saskatchewan | grouse, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, rainbow trout | Phone: 1-866-453-9270 | |
HIRNEY’S GUIDE SERVICE | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 725-2424 / Fax: (403) 725-2118 | ||
Hoards Hunting Camps | Pinawa | Manitoba | black bear, goose, duck | 12047532924 | |
Honker Heaven Outfitters | Colonsay | Saskatchewan | goose, duck, Sandhill cranes | 306-222-0566 | |
HUNT MARVIN | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 775-2146 | ||
Hunter’s Paradise Outfitters | Mossbank | Saskatchewan | goose, duck | Summer Phone: 306-354-7783 | |
J. H. HORSE SERVICES | Alberta | goose, duck | |||
JORDY MCAULEY OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 456-4763 / Fax: (780) 835-2072 | ||
K & P Outfitters | Kyle | Saskatchewan | goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 306 375-2246 | |
King Buck Safaris | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, perch, timber wolf | 204-664-5552 | ||
KITCHEN NELSON | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone/Fax: (780) 694-2278 | ||
LAST R LAKE LTD. | Alberta | goose, duck | |||
LAWSON ROGER | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone/Fax: (780) 682-3986 | ||
Les’ Canadian Way Guide Service | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 842-2095 | ||
Makwa River Outfitters Ltd. | Makwa | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck | Phone: 306-236-4649 | |
MANNERFELDT JARNUE L. | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone (403) 887-5689 | ||
MAVERICK WATERFOWLERS | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 356-2515 | ||
McKenzie Camp Outfitters | Cumberland House | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 306-888-7045 | |
MERLIN ADVENTURES | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 779-2345 / Fax: (403) 779-2345 | ||
MILK RIVER OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck, Antelope | Phone: (403) 636-3279 / Fax: (403) 626-3036 | ||
Montgomery Outfitting Service Ltd. | Morse | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (306) 629-3752 | |
Mountain Oak Outfitters | Ste. Rose du Lac | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: 1-(204) 732-2483 | |
NADEAU DAVID | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 624-8849 / Fax: (780) 624-9578 | ||
No Fly Zone Waterfowl Outfitters | Aberdeen | SK | goose, duck | 306-380-6204 | |
NOMAD ADVENTURES | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (801) 560-413 / Fax: (253) 276-4614 | ||
NORTH ALBERTA OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone:Fax: (780) 775-2727 | ||
NORTH ALTA VENTURES | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 836-2799 / Fax: (780) 836-3390 | ||
NORTH STAR OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 847-2392 / Fax: (780) 847-2925 | ||
NORTH-FLITE OUTFITTING | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone:(780) 322-2477 / Fax: (780) 322-2587 | ||
NORTHERN ALBERTA WATERFOWLERS | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone (780) 928-3411 | ||
OLDMAN RIVER OUTFITTERS | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 223-1629 / Fax: (403) 223-1686 | ||
ONGARO OUTDOORS LTD | Alberta | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (800) 465-6227 / Fax: (780) 472-9971 | ||
OUTLAWS GUIDING & OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 556-2713 / Fax: (403) 556-3030 | ||
Pierceland Outfitters Ltd. | Pierceland | Saskatchewan | moose, whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, lake trout, arctic grayling | Phone: (306) 839-4611 | |
PIKE LAKE OUTFITTERS | Pike Lake | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck, Sandhill Cranes | 866-931-4994 | |
Pinecone Outfitters | Lorette | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: 204 878-HUNT | |
PINFEATHERS & HACKLE LTD. | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 727-4488 | ||
PINTAIL ADVENTURES | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 933-7364 / Fax: (403) 933-7370 | ||
Poplar Point Resort | Cowan Lake | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | 306-469-4987 | |
Prairie Rose Outfitters | Quill Lakes | Saskatchewan | goose, duck | 306-227-2822 | |
Prairie Sky Outfitters | Martensville | Saskatchewan | grouse, goose, duck | 306-290-4333 | |
Prairie’s Edge Outfitters | North Battleford | Saskatchewan | goose, duck | 403-807-9939 | |
Primitive Outfitting | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone/Fax: (780) 690-7725 | ||
PURE PRAIRIE OUTDOOR ADVENTURES | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 867-2380 | ||
QUICKLOAD ADVENTURES & OUTFITTING | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 875-0944 / Fax: (306) 825-77 | ||
R. C. DICKSON GUIDING SERVICES | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck, Antelope | Phone / Fax: (403) 833-2135 | ||
REIL BRENT | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 662-2961 | ||
RIDGE COUNTRY OUTFITTERS | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 653-7721 / Fax: (403) 653-1348 | ||
Riel R. Bosse Guiding & Outfitting | Kelvington | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (306) 327-5770 | |
RIVER ROAD OUTFITTERS | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone (780) 926-6248 / Fax: (780) 928-3958 | ||
RIVER VALLEY LODGE | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck, Wolf Bison | Phone / Fax:: (780) 842-6207 | ||
RIVER VALLEY OUTFITTING LTD. | Alberta | moose, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone (403) 851-0301 Fax (403) 851-1108 | ||
RIVERHILLS OUTFITTING SERVICES | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone (403) 565-2252 / Fax: (780) 464-5765 | ||
Riverside Lodge | Duck Bay | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, grouse, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, trout, carp, perch | 204-524-2472 | |
RJM Guiding | Christopher Lake | Saskatchewan | black bear, goose, duck, Snow Geese, Specklebelly Geese | 306-961-6926 | |
ROD’S GUIDING SERVICE | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 362-2085 / Fax: (403) 377-2719 | ||
Romanuik’s Bucks Bulls & Bears | Candle Lake | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: 306-929-2190 | |
RON LOUCKS OUTFITTING | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (403) 729-2687 / Fax: (403) 729-2687 | ||
ROSS MIKE | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 223-1814 | ||
Safari River Outdoors | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | Summer Phone: (306) 236-3905 | ||
Saskatoon Waterfowl Outfitters | Saskatoon | Saskatchewan | goose, duck | 1-877-486-8796 | |
SCHIELKE ELMER | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 753-2174 | ||
SEAN MANN’S OUTDOOR ADVENTURES | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (410) 828-5808 / Fax: (410) 828-0606 | ||
SOUTHERN ALBERTA GOOSE GUIDING | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone/Fax: (403) 758-6114 | ||
Specks and Snows Waterfowl Adventures | Rosetown | Saskatchewan | grouse, goose, duck | Phone: 306-882-3852 | |
TALL TIMBERS OUTFITTING | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 826-3052 | ||
TALL TIMBERS OUTFITTING SERVICES LTD. | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 763-2275 / Fax: (780) 763-2236 | ||
TAMARACK HUNTING ADVENTURES | Alberta | whitetail deer, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 636-3768 / Fax: (780) 636-2615 | ||
TARGET GUIDE SERVICES | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 860-0928 / Fax: (403) 263-8100 | ||
THE ELK RIVER ANGLER | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 703-4442 / Fax: (403) 248-6651 | ||
THREE RIVERS ADVENTURES | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck | Phone (403) 752-4008 Fax (403) 752-4920 | ||
TORLEA | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 469-6786 / Fax: (780) 465-5812 | ||
Trail End Camp & Outfitters | Pointe du Bois | Manitoba | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike, Smallmouth Bass, Sturgeon, Perch | 1-866-404-4868 | |
Trails End Outfitters | Nipawin | Saskatchewan | whitetail deer, black bear, goose, duck, walleye, nothern pike | Phone: 306-862-9228 | |
TRAPPER’S GUIDING & OUTFITTING | Alberta | elk, moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone / Fax: (780) 693-2834 | ||
TROPHY QUEST OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 922-5971 / Fax: (780) 922-5904 | ||
TROPHY STALKERS INC. | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (403) 932-6013 / Fax: (403) 932-6013 | ||
TWIN RIVER OUTFITTERS | Alberta | moose, whitetail deer, mule deer, black bear, goose, duck | Phone: (780) 621-0843 / Fax: (780) 621-1388 | ||
WESTERN GUIDING SERVICES | Alberta | whitetail deer, mule deer, goose, duck, Antelope | Phone:/Fax: (403) 565-3775 | ||
WILD WING HUNTS | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (318) 798-2235 / Fax: (318) 797-9122 | ||
WILDLIFE WEST ADVENTURES INC. | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone:/Fax: (403) 653-1737 | ||
WINGSHOOTERS | Alberta | goose, duck | 780-487-8825 | ||
WINGSHOT GUIDING SERVICE LTD. | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 464-0565 | ||
WORONIUK STEVE | Alberta | goose, duck | Phone: (780) 847-3160 |