Welcome to the PrairieOutdoors Campfire. A place to tell your outdoor stories, show your fish pictures, hunting pictures, weave your tale of the big buck found in the woods, of shots taken and shots passed up. Tell of the day you dropped the grouse after all others missed and how you coaxed the flock of mallards back to the decoy spread for all to fire upon. Here, you are the story teller, and we all believe you. In the Campfire, the fish are as big you can make em and the fight as long as you want to stretch it.
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Whitetail Deer hunting
SELECT * from campfire WHERE category=’hunting’ AND species=’Whitetail Deer’ ORDER BY submitted_date DESC
My mommy is an amazing shot Location: Thunder Bay Ontario Canada
Location: Biggar, SaskatchewanLocation: Location: Biggar, Saskatchewan
November 8, 2010 first day of the deer rifle season
Very nice weather
Shot by Mathieu “Dezzy” Ouellet
Picture taken by Christian CaronLocation: Near CFB Shilo, Manitoba
I just got home from church one day and my neighbor looked out in the bean field beside my house and sees a deer and it couldnt move or nothn because it was locked up with a nother buck but the other buck was already dead and it couldnt run away because it had an eight inch drop dine on it so i got bout 20 yds and shot it!!!! Location: Kentucky
Story/Joke: Well I hunt about a 1000 acre lease and I was hunting a part of the lease that no one else really hunts. So me and my Dad went and got the fourwheller unloaded and he droped me off near my stand and his stand was only about 150 yards through the woods. As i got in my stand and started puting on my face mask and open my drink and big 7 pointer walks out infront of my stand only after being in the stand for 3 minutes. I laugh to myself because I didnt really want to hunt this stand so I got ready and picked up my 30/6 and got a good rest. Just as I shot I made a very bi mistake I picked my head up to look and just as I did I see him fall and I just thought to myself there’s my wallhanger right there and just then he started to flop out of the path. So I called my dad and told him to hurry up and get down here to help me finish him off. When I got to were I shot him i for blood and both his front legs. So I loaded my gun and went runing after him. when I got within maybe 50 feet I could see his butt stinking up in the air and I wasnt going to get to close to him knowing he was hurt so I shot at all I could see his butt. well he fell over and I figured he was dead. So I walked up closer and he kicked up on his hind legs and I shot him in the neck and he floped to the ground. I only had 1 bullet left so I ran up as close as I thought I could get and shot him behind the shoulder. he floped over again and dicided to try and run some more so my dad got there with his 45. and after 2 bullets from that he finally died.
Location: Kincaid, SK